Branch Committee

The branch committee are in place to oversee the general running of the branch, on the behalf of its members. As such the committee have the ability to make decisions, spend money, or take action regarding anything to do with the club. The committee meet regularly throughout the year and minutes of each meeting are distributed to branch members. A new committee is elected each year at the branch AGM (Annual General Meeting). Please note : Members are encouraged to attend committee meetings should they wish.


James Antony - Chairman
James Antony : Chairman

James Antony


The chairman of the committee is responsible for ensuring that all committee business remains relevant and that they work effectively in delivering the most appropriate strategies for the good of the branch. The chairman acts as the key spokesperson for the branch and will preside over all committee meetings and the AGM (Annual General Meeting). The chair person remains impartial during any voting that may take place, unless specifically required to do so.

Robert Ross - Secretary
Robert Ross : Secretary

Robert Ross


The secretaries duties include keeping up to date with committee business and ensuring that all meetings are minuted. The branch secretary publishes these minutes and distributes them to the membership after they have been approved. The secretary also liaises with other external parties regarding matters relating to the branch.

Morag Tinson - Membership Officer
Morag Tinson : Membership Officer

Morag Tinson

Membership Officer

The membership officer is responsible for all matters relating to the current and potential new memberships of the branch. The membership officer should take care of any matters arising with regards to recruitment of new members, arranging try dives and accurately working with the committee to ensure healthy branch numbers.

Gordon Young - Branch Diving Officer
Gordon Young : Branch Diving Officer

Gordon Young

Branch Diving Officer

The branch diving officer is responsible for all diving activities that take place within the branch. This includes all training of new and existing divers as well as try-dives that may take place at the pool. It is the duty of the BDO to ensure that all diving practices taking place within the branch follow the safe standards expected by ScotSAC.

Stevie Mclaughlin - Treasurer
Stevie Mclaughlin : Treasurer

Stevie Mclaughlin


The treasurer is responsible for keeping the branches finances in order and ensuring that a transparent account of said finances are available. The treasurer will be able to advise on any monies that are due or any expenditures that may have arisen. The treasurer is responsible for any deposits that may be due for expeditions.

Donald Cragie - Equipment Officer
Donald Cragie : Equipment Officer

Donald Cragie

Equipment Officer

The equipment officers duty is to ensure that all of the branch equipment is in working order and bring any defects to the attention of the branch. This may include club equipment that is hired out to members, such as BCD’s and Regulators, or the maintenance of the branches air compressor.

Sharon Brown - Expedition Organiser
Sharon Brown : Expedition Organiser

Sharon Brown

Expedition Organiser

The expedition organizer is responsible for coordinating trips for the benefit of branch members. The organizer will propose trips that may be of interest to members and once these are approved by the committee they will become open to members. The expedition organizer will take care of liaising with boat charter organizations and accommodation (if available) so that members can easily take part in group excursions without extra planning.

Ben Reid - Member
Ben Reid : Member

Ben Reid


Members of the committee have the task of collaboratively resolving and making decisions about matters which affect the club. They have voting rights in all committee matters and attend regular meetings with other Branch committee members to ensure the smooth running of the club. Regular members of the club may approach committee members regarding any suggestions, grievances  or any other business which they feel deserves the attention of the branch,